Monday, May 26, 2008

Let's cook!

I've found something... Recipes to cook with kids!

Depending on children's age you will decide what they are going to do. Maybe only helping you or doing the whole thing by theirselves (you'll have to supervise it)!

If you develope this craft with your students you can encourage them to show it at home! Probably they won't tell it in English but I'm sure they will have a good time demostrating how good they are in the kitchen! While they cook at home their parents could ask their children for some vocabulary in English! Don't worry if they don't want to answer. It doesn't mean they didn't learn it, maybe it is just a shame matter. They will externalize their English knowledge whenever they feel they are ready to do it!

The web also gives you the chance to send them your own recipes (in English of course) and then they will post them on the web! You could try to write one with your students and at home it's also a good excuse to practice some English!

I think cooking can be a funny activity to work with young children (and not too young..!) but it's important to be careful with the tools you use. You can try some recipes that don't need to be actually cooked and that will rest some risks.

Some ideas could be:
  • With toothsticks insert jelly beans and you will get some funny bar snacks!
  • You need a sponge cake, "nutella" and jelly beans or fruit. Spread the nutella on the sponge cake and decorate it with the jelly beans or fruit! Try to create a face or a landscape!

Now is your turn. Let's cook!

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